Have a SQL file that is supposed to load configuration data into a database with the following type of statement
I gather the intent is to upload contents of somefile.txt into SomeMediumBlobField
I have tried XAMPP, MAMP, and ubuntu 20.04 with their latest MySQL installs and all fail to recognize this Insert command
They complain about $, and {} not being expected
w3shools doesn't appear to show any syntax for $FILE and some google hits don't show $FILE just {}
I removed the $FILE but still complains about {}
is this syntax incorrect or from a past version of mysql or not intended for mysql or ???
Thx in advance
Insert Into SomeTable(ID,SomeNameField,SomeMediumBlobField) Values('0','SomeName', $FILE{/path/somefile.txt});
I gather the intent is to upload contents of somefile.txt into SomeMediumBlobField
I have tried XAMPP, MAMP, and ubuntu 20.04 with their latest MySQL installs and all fail to recognize this Insert command
They complain about $, and {} not being expected
w3shools doesn't appear to show any syntax for $FILE and some google hits don't show $FILE just {}
I removed the $FILE but still complains about {}
is this syntax incorrect or from a past version of mysql or not intended for mysql or ???
Thx in advance