Need some help.
I downloaded this template from Microsoft's website.
I'm needing the help of someone who is tech savvy and is really smart with formulas etc. in Excel.
The idea is to modify the two fields that says odometer start and odometer end and replace the two fields with the text Building start and Building end. Then when you click the building start or building end field you will be presented with a building name to select from. We have an excel sheet with all of the distances in miles between the buildings we go to. I'm wanting to incorporate it to where when I click start building, it will present me with a drop down list and I can select the building I'm driving to and then click the building end and select the building I'll be ending at and have it calculate the miles based off information that I already have in a excel spreadsheet that work has provided.
I downloaded this template from Microsoft's website.
I'm needing the help of someone who is tech savvy and is really smart with formulas etc. in Excel.
The idea is to modify the two fields that says odometer start and odometer end and replace the two fields with the text Building start and Building end. Then when you click the building start or building end field you will be presented with a building name to select from. We have an excel sheet with all of the distances in miles between the buildings we go to. I'm wanting to incorporate it to where when I click start building, it will present me with a drop down list and I can select the building I'm driving to and then click the building end and select the building I'll be ending at and have it calculate the miles based off information that I already have in a excel spreadsheet that work has provided.