Please help this Newbee,
I have searched the Forum and was unable to find an answer.
I am trying to take an image from an Access97 database (.mdb) and place it
in an image control. Here is some of the code I am trying to use.
I am getting an Invalid Picture error, Any and All help would be greatly
appreciated by this NEWB.
Invalid Picture Error.
As a NOTE if it makes any difference. The ActualSize shows as 840066, but the pictemp.bmp file is 840078 exactly 12 bytes greater.
Sample Code would be a Life Saver.
Thanks in Advance,
I have searched the Forum and was unable to find an answer.
I am trying to take an image from an Access97 database (.mdb) and place it
in an image control. Here is some of the code I am trying to use.
I am getting an Invalid Picture error, Any and All help would be greatly
appreciated by this NEWB.
Option Explicit
Dim mIPicture As Variant
Dim FileNum As Integer
Dim DiskFile As String
Private Sub LoadControls()
With mrsITEM
txtItemNumber = !ItemNumber & ""
rchtxtDescription = !Description & ""
txtRetailPrice = !RetailPrice & ""
txtWhitePrice = !WhitePrice & ""
txtYellowPrice = !YellowPrice & ""
txtBluePrice = !BluePrice & ""
txtWOPPageNumber = !WOPPageNumber & ""
End With
FileNum = FreeFile
Me.MousePointer = vbHourglass
' Remove any existing destination file.
DiskFile = App.Path & "\data\pictemp.bmp"
If Len(Dir$(DiskFile)) > 0 Then
Kill DiskFile
End If
Open DiskFile For Binary As FileNum
mIPicture =
Put FileNum, , mIPicture
Close FileNum
Image1.Picture = LoadPicture(DiskFile)
Me.MousePointer = vbArrow
End Sub
Sample Code would be a Life Saver.
Thanks in Advance,