This has been answered before, but I am still a little confused and could use some clarification....
Helpdesk phone ext. 4357 currently goes to ext. 4358 if busy or no answer. If no one picks up 4358, it goes to the voicemail for 4357. OR, if they want the calls to go directly to voicemail, they forward the 4357 ext. to 7000 (VM DN).
Now, I need to be able to forward the phone to another voicemail box with a different greeting for emergencies. I setup a phantom phone with ext. 4356 that is forwarded to VM. If ext. 4357 is forwarded to 4356, I still get the voicemail for 4357, but I want the voicemail for 4356.
Is there something I change on the phantom phone that will not send the call back to the original numbers voicemail.
Thanks for the help,
Helpdesk phone ext. 4357 currently goes to ext. 4358 if busy or no answer. If no one picks up 4358, it goes to the voicemail for 4357. OR, if they want the calls to go directly to voicemail, they forward the 4357 ext. to 7000 (VM DN).
Now, I need to be able to forward the phone to another voicemail box with a different greeting for emergencies. I setup a phantom phone with ext. 4356 that is forwarded to VM. If ext. 4357 is forwarded to 4356, I still get the voicemail for 4357, but I want the voicemail for 4356.
Is there something I change on the phantom phone that will not send the call back to the original numbers voicemail.
Thanks for the help,