Need help to cculate formula assigning values to data. 0-1.5=dissatisfied. 1.5.1 to 2.5(Not up to expectations.)
2.5.1to 3.5 Fair and arrive at an average
IF {table.rating} < 1.5
THEN "dissatisfied"
ELSE IF {table.rating} > 1.5 and {table.rating} < 2.5
THEN "Not up to expectations"
ELSE IF {table.rating} > 2.5 and {table.rating} < 3.5
THEN "Fair"
You would then use a summary to average all the responses, and use the same formula to apply "dissatisfied", etc. to the summary (total average). Just replace "{table.rating}" with your summary field name.
One correct for theDeej's post. You need to add some "="s to the formula. Without them, results of 1.5, 2.5 and 3.5 will be an empty string.
IF {table.rating} < =1.5
THEN "dissatisfied"
ELSE IF {table.rating} > 1.5 and {table.rating} <=2.5
THEN "Not up to expectations"
ELSE IF {table.rating} > 2.5 and {table.rating} <= 3.5
THEN "Fair" Mike
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