This is a 3 program issue: first I have an ASP.NET app. which saves data to SQL and has an export screen to save to Excel.
Is there anything I can do with this script to make the column be a date when exported using the .NET below. It shows as text looking like a date 5/12/13 or a 5 digit number such as 44987 (not the real date) in either example following.
The date column is currently this > DateAwarded(date, null)
if I use this SQL it changes it to a date like 5/12/13 but then in Excel it text and the user wants a date.
The user does not want to have to reformat every export they do while in Excel.
Also here is the ASP.NET 4.0 code
Is there anything I can do with this script to make the column be a date when exported using the .NET below. It shows as text looking like a date 5/12/13 or a 5 digit number such as 44987 (not the real date) in either example following.
The date column is currently this > DateAwarded(date, null)
SELECT CommonName, CONVERT(int, EmployeeEpriseID, 101) AS EmployeeEpriseID, Location,VPName, Nominator, ReportToManager, Report1, Report2, Report3, AwardType, [highlight #FCE94F]CONVERT(date, DateAwarded, 101) AS DateAwarded[/highlight], Event, NominationSummary FROM Recognition Where year(DateAwarded) = 2013 AND VPName = 'fred flintstone' And ePrizeID = '12345678' ORDER BY UniqueID DESC
-- If I change the SQL above to this, it makes a real date but its text in Excel.
[highlight #FCE94F]CONVERT (nvarchar(12), DateAwarded, 101) AS DateAwarded[/highlight]
The user does not want to have to reformat every export they do while in Excel.
Also here is the ASP.NET 4.0 code
ws.Cells("A1").LoadFromDataTable(tbl, True)
'Write it back to the client
HttpContext.Current.Response.ContentType = "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet"
HttpContext.Current.Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "attachment; filename=" + ExcelFilename + ".xlsx")