I want ot quickly see the files and the number of files in a folder.
I have this code which works great for puting the names of files in notepad txt file
then I have code whihc counts files but it only counts them whereever the bat file is setting I want to mody this to count file in the folder I specify and also maybe put that number at the bottom of the text file.
I have this code which works great for puting the names of files in notepad txt file
then I have code whihc counts files but it only counts them whereever the bat file is setting I want to mody this to count file in the folder I specify and also maybe put that number at the bottom of the text file.
dir "C:\Users\z533560\Documents\Time Reporting Validation\06_23_12 Newtech Timesheets\Voz" /b /on > "C:\Users\z533560\Desktop\TimesheetsFiles.txt"
notepad TimesheetsFiles.txt
set c=0
for /f "tokens=1*" %%a in ('dir "C:\Users\z533560\Documents\Time Reporting Validation\06_23_12 Newtech Timesheets\Voz" /a * /b /s') do (
call set /a c=%%c%%+1
ECHO %c% Files.
REM save the %c% number to the bottom of the text file?