I have been working on a re-write of a customers order entry and shipping program in Access 97. The old programmer had designed the order table to include the products.(the company only had 2 items to sell)
Now they have many items to sell and needed the addition of an order details table. So far no problem, but where I am running into questions is in the shipping area. They want the ability to ship some of the order items now and some later. The customers credit card will only be charged for what is shipped. I am wondering if the best way to handle the situation is to generate a new order for the items that did not ship (the credit card transaction has about 5 fields that need to be stored in addition to shipping info)
Has anybody worked with somthing similar? The customer has no idea how they want to do it. I would just like to find an effective process that makes sense.
Thanks for the help!
[sig]<p>John A. Gilman<br><a href=mailto:gms@uslink.net>gms@uslink.net</a><br>[/sig]
Now they have many items to sell and needed the addition of an order details table. So far no problem, but where I am running into questions is in the shipping area. They want the ability to ship some of the order items now and some later. The customers credit card will only be charged for what is shipped. I am wondering if the best way to handle the situation is to generate a new order for the items that did not ship (the credit card transaction has about 5 fields that need to be stored in addition to shipping info)
Has anybody worked with somthing similar? The customer has no idea how they want to do it. I would just like to find an effective process that makes sense.
Thanks for the help!
[sig]<p>John A. Gilman<br><a href=mailto:gms@uslink.net>gms@uslink.net</a><br>[/sig]