The code is meant to check if there is a value in the text box. If there is no value its meant to display a msgbox.
If the value is not a date or is not "-" then the msgbox should appear.
The Code:*
Case frmInsertCompany.Incorp.value = "" or _
not isDate(frmInsertCompany.Incorp.value)
Ret = False
Msgbox "Incorporated must not be empty, It should be a Date"
frmInsertCompany.Incorp.value = "-"
If the value is not a date or is not "-" then the msgbox should appear.
The Code:*
Case frmInsertCompany.Incorp.value = "" or _
not isDate(frmInsertCompany.Incorp.value)
Ret = False
Msgbox "Incorporated must not be empty, It should be a Date"
frmInsertCompany.Incorp.value = "-"