If you have three tables, EMPLOYEE (key: EMP_ID, fields: EMP_NAME, EMP_SALARY), DEPARTMENT (key: DPT_ID, fields: DPT_DESC, DPT_MGR_ID (FK to EMPLOYEE on EMP_ID)), and EMPLOYEE_DEPARTMENT (key:EMP_ID,DPT_ID),
How can I write a single SQL statement that would give the average employee salary for each department, along with the Manager's name and Department??
I can get the dpt_mgr_id, dpt_desc, and average salary, but I cannot tie in the manager name. Please help!
How can I write a single SQL statement that would give the average employee salary for each department, along with the Manager's name and Department??
I can get the dpt_mgr_id, dpt_desc, and average salary, but I cannot tie in the manager name. Please help!