have a po_item table and po_item_details table with one to many relationship. I need to display multiple records in po_item_details in a flat format.
select pi.po_item_id, pid.qualifier, descrption
from po_items pi left join po_item_identifiers pid
on (pi.PO_ITEM_ID = pid.po_Item_ID)
1, style, fall
1, color, red
1, sku, 111
2, style, fall
2, color, blue
2, sku, 112
I need to show it as:
1, fall, red, 111
2, fall, blue, 112
I am new to Oracle. In sql server i could do this using a temp table.
select pi.po_item_id, pid.qualifier, descrption
from po_items pi left join po_item_identifiers pid
on (pi.PO_ITEM_ID = pid.po_Item_ID)
1, style, fall
1, color, red
1, sku, 111
2, style, fall
2, color, blue
2, sku, 112
I need to show it as:
1, fall, red, 111
2, fall, blue, 112
I am new to Oracle. In sql server i could do this using a temp table.