I need to create a query that shows totals for certain fields. I have a field called "Releaseddate" in my query i made it a groupby and did a count on a certain field with the releasedate = #08/22/01#....works fine..but i need to create another query the same way but in this one i need the releasedate = is null.. in the criteria of the releasedate field i entered it a few different ways but it wont work...I entered #08/22/01# And Is Null...that did not work...I entered #08/22/01# Is Null that did not work...
basically I need to see on the records that have a releasedate = Null on any day i choose. But it has to count the field that I need...I posted the SQL Statement below..
SELECT [Laboratory Drums].releasedate, Count([Laboratory Drums].sampleno) AS CountOfsampleno, [Laboratory Drums].sample_type
FROM [Laboratory Drums]
GROUP BY [Laboratory Drums].releasedate, [Laboratory Drums].sample_type
HAVING ((([Laboratory Drums].releasedate)=#8/22/2001#));
basically I need to see on the records that have a releasedate = Null on any day i choose. But it has to count the field that I need...I posted the SQL Statement below..
SELECT [Laboratory Drums].releasedate, Count([Laboratory Drums].sampleno) AS CountOfsampleno, [Laboratory Drums].sample_type
FROM [Laboratory Drums]
GROUP BY [Laboratory Drums].releasedate, [Laboratory Drums].sample_type
HAVING ((([Laboratory Drums].releasedate)=#8/22/2001#));