i wonder if someone has found a code sample to that or know how to to this :
Im building a tool like a webbrowser and using for that the activeX webbrowser componenet.
Everything is ok with that but i can't find the next thing - i like to be able to drag a link and relese it ON the same instance of the webbrowser. this should rise a drag&drop event.
The problem is when you for now i can't do it. even when you try it on IE you only can see the black no entry icon.
so it seem there is no event to that.i try to use the IDocHostUIHandler.GetDropTarget(...) but it seem the broweser don't call this event even when i try to do do the d&d.
i try to enable the allowdrop but it is not enough.
I know it can be done since i saw it in webbrowser like MyIE2.
i wonder if someone has found a code sample to that or know how to to this :
Im building a tool like a webbrowser and using for that the activeX webbrowser componenet.
Everything is ok with that but i can't find the next thing - i like to be able to drag a link and relese it ON the same instance of the webbrowser. this should rise a drag&drop event.
The problem is when you for now i can't do it. even when you try it on IE you only can see the black no entry icon.
so it seem there is no event to that.i try to use the IDocHostUIHandler.GetDropTarget(...) but it seem the broweser don't call this event even when i try to do do the d&d.
i try to enable the allowdrop but it is not enough.
I know it can be done since i saw it in webbrowser like MyIE2.