below is some code for a routine that i am trying to modify. it is curently used to zoom all layouts in some drawings. what i would like it to do is got thru the paperspace layouts and update all fields that it encounters. i believe to access the fields it is iacadmtext2 but that is VBA language. how do i get there thru VLA? See the red text below. IS this the line i need to modify?
(defun update_all_fields (/ lay layouts *acad* *doc* )
(setq *acad* (vlax-get-acad-object)
*doc* (vla-get-activedocument *acad*)
layouts (vla-get-layouts *doc*)
(vlax-for lay layouts ; step through layouts
(vla-put-activelayout *doc* lay) ; activate layout
(if (= (vla-get-activespace *doc*) 0) ; If in paperspace
(if (= (vla-get-mspace *doc*) :vlax-true); in mspace viewport
(vla-put-mspace *doc* :vlax-false) ; inactivate vp
) ; endif
) ;endif
[COLOR=red](vla-ZoomAll *acad*)[/color]
;(vla-zoomextents *acad*)
(defun c:zal ()