I am learning assembly programming 16 bit. I would like to code the game breakout ( a very simple version ) using it and would like to output messages straight to the video memory, that means i wouldnt use interrupts to output stuff. So far I have this much code. Anyone have any suggestions, tips or maybe even a link to source code that can help me out ??
I am learning assembly programming 16 bit. I would like to code the game breakout ( a very simple version ) using it and would like to output messages straight to the video memory, that means i wouldnt use interrupts to output stuff. So far I have this much code. Anyone have any suggestions, tips or maybe even a link to source code that can help me out ??
.model small
.stack 100h
include bios.inc
include constants.inc
main proc
mov ax,0B800h
mov es,ax
mov cx,2
mov ax, 0Fdbh
mov bx,cx
;mov ax,002Dh
mov es:[bx],ax
add cx,2
cmp cx,78
jng Loop1
;initialize everything
;get user input
;update paddle
;update ball
;draw the screen
;check if all bricks are gone, if so then quit
;jmp @b
; @Cls
; @Setcsrpos,0,0
main endp
VIDSEG equ 0B800h ;video segment address
VIDCOL equ 80 ;video columns
VIDROW equ 25 ;video rows
STARTBRICKY equ 9 ;start row of bricks
STARTBRICKX equ 1 ;start column of bricks
ENDBRICKY equ 10 ;end row of bricks
ENDBRICKX equ 78 ;end column of bricks
CR equ 0Dh ;define CR as carriage return
LF equ 0Ah ;define LF as line feed
FALSE equ 0 ;define FALSE to value 0
TRUE equ 1 ;define TRUE to value 1
STARTX equ 0 ;start column for ball
STARTY equ 21 ;start row for balll
STARTVELY equ 1 ;x velocity of ball
STARTVELX equ 1 ;y velocity of ball
PADDLELEN equ 5 ;length of paddlebar
PADDLEX equ 0 ;start x position of paddle
PADDLEY equ 23 ;start y position of paddle