I am producing a departmental report that looks like the below example. If the Total Dept calculation is 0 for both amounts I would like to skip or supress the detail for that department to reduce the size of the report. If the calculation produces a total for either or both amounts the detail needs to show. How can I accomplish this and if it requires code or VB I'll need help with doing that. Thanks in advance!
Dept Account Category AmntIn AmntOut
**.3100 Ik 110 $0.00
**.3100 Ik 206 $0.00
Total Dept $0.00 $0.00
**.3101 IM 801 $300.00
**.3101 OPBSLD 510 $0.00
**.3101 OPBSLD 761 $0.00
Total Dept $300.00 $0.00
**.3130 ID 110 $0.00
**.3130 ID 113 $0.00 $25.00
**.3130 OPS 762 $10.00
Total Dept $0.00 $35.00
Dept Account Category AmntIn AmntOut
**.3100 Ik 110 $0.00
**.3100 Ik 206 $0.00
Total Dept $0.00 $0.00
**.3101 IM 801 $300.00
**.3101 OPBSLD 510 $0.00
**.3101 OPBSLD 761 $0.00
Total Dept $300.00 $0.00
**.3130 ID 110 $0.00
**.3130 ID 113 $0.00 $25.00
**.3130 OPS 762 $10.00
Total Dept $0.00 $35.00