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need help sorting letters in strings

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May 17, 1999
Am writing program that will continue to prompt user to enter a word of 5 letters or less until 'q' is entered to quit. Upon quitting, it will disply results from 4 functions :<br>
1. total # of vowels (all words combined)<br>
2. total # of conenants (same as above)<br>
3. total # of words (simple counter)<br>
4. total # of words ending with 'k'<br>
Am using a while statement for the loop but can't get it to stop when {'q','\0'} is entered. Have assigned string to word[6] but it will take more than 5 letters and will not overwrite last word entered. <br>
All books I have referenced have sorting examples with numbers not letters and all examples have string or array within source code. <br>
Would appreciate any help that could be given.<br>
Thanks to all<br>
I think your main problem with failing to break out of the while loop is that you are checking for a lower case Q and not for an UPPERCASE Q..... You need to check for both. I prefer to use the Escape key for exiting because it is universally understood as an exit key by most users....<br>
Below is some code I reuse quite often, because it checks for extended key codes:<br>
int a;<br>
a = getch(); /* Get key press and Add 256 if extended key*/<br>
/* if your compiler doesn't have getch(), try getc() */<br>
if (a == 0 ¦¦ a == 0xE0) { a = getch() + 0x100; } <br>
switch ( a )<br>
case 27: /* If escape key */<br>
printf( &quot;Exiting...&quot; );<br>
goto end;<br>
case 328: /* If Up Arrow key */<br>
case 336: /* If Down Arrow key */ <br>
default: /* Do other stuff */<br>
You get the idea....<br>
If you put your words into a string ( a char array ) then your compiler's string functions should take care of the rest of the sorting functions for you with relative ease.<br>
Also, since you want to be able to count the # of characters inputted and stop at a certain point, it is better to use getch() and echo the characters to the display via your program, than fight with gets()
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