Here's what I have, two different servers that I have very little experience with that now I need to get SNMP traps sending to each server for different things..
I have an insight server(HP) that I need hardware failure traps sent to, and I have a Whatups gold(ipswitch software) server that is doing my disk monitoring.
If I install the insight agents, they work fine(sort of)... if I try to configure SNMP for whatsup, they work(sort of)... but I can't get both to work simultaneously.
It must be a config issue on my end. Basically what I want to have happen is my hardware traps go to my insight server(using private traps) and my disk monitoring traps going to whatsup(using public traps). For some strange reason the insight server is only notifying on down events(a pulled power supply) but is not notifying on a restored event(plugging it back in)
The whatsup server for whatever reason is only able to report off of 1 filesystem within my snmpd.conf.. If I have it set to be disk /x1 / or
disk /
disk /x1
neither one works..
any help is most appreciated
# disk: Check for disk space usage of a partition.
# The agent can check the amount of available disk space, and make
# disk PATH [MIN=100000]
# PATH: mount path to the disk in question.
#disk /x1 /
disk /
I have an insight server(HP) that I need hardware failure traps sent to, and I have a Whatups gold(ipswitch software) server that is doing my disk monitoring.
If I install the insight agents, they work fine(sort of)... if I try to configure SNMP for whatsup, they work(sort of)... but I can't get both to work simultaneously.
It must be a config issue on my end. Basically what I want to have happen is my hardware traps go to my insight server(using private traps) and my disk monitoring traps going to whatsup(using public traps). For some strange reason the insight server is only notifying on down events(a pulled power supply) but is not notifying on a restored event(plugging it back in)
The whatsup server for whatever reason is only able to report off of 1 filesystem within my snmpd.conf.. If I have it set to be disk /x1 / or
disk /
disk /x1
neither one works..
any help is most appreciated
# disk: Check for disk space usage of a partition.
# The agent can check the amount of available disk space, and make
# disk PATH [MIN=100000]
# PATH: mount path to the disk in question.
#disk /x1 /
disk /