Hello again,
Ok, here is yet another problem I have been having with Pdf-ing. My company produces a report every year. This report contains many graphs, tables, and texts. Last year the report Pdf'd fine and you could print hard copies of the whole document at once and it would print just fine. This year however, it pdf'd just fine but now i can not print hard copies of the whole document at once. When I print individual pages one at a time it works. So I was wondering if there is a size limit? I created the pdf using the PDF writer, no giving me crap about not ps and then distilling because when I do that it will not distill, it gives me errors about the fonts. Which I still do not understand so if someone could explain font embedding and how it works I would appreciate it. I am using Pagemaker 7 on Windows 2000. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Ok, here is yet another problem I have been having with Pdf-ing. My company produces a report every year. This report contains many graphs, tables, and texts. Last year the report Pdf'd fine and you could print hard copies of the whole document at once and it would print just fine. This year however, it pdf'd just fine but now i can not print hard copies of the whole document at once. When I print individual pages one at a time it works. So I was wondering if there is a size limit? I created the pdf using the PDF writer, no giving me crap about not ps and then distilling because when I do that it will not distill, it gives me errors about the fonts. Which I still do not understand so if someone could explain font embedding and how it works I would appreciate it. I am using Pagemaker 7 on Windows 2000. Any help would be greatly appreciated.