I have a main report and a sub report. I am doing all the calculations in the sub report to get my gltot. The formula goes like this:
shared numbervar gltot;
if {@CurrGl} = true then
gltot := {@GL Balance};
I need to use the gltot field to get my grand gl balance by adding the gltot + sum(debit)+sum(credit)on my main report. I am not able to get gltot value in my main report, it returns 0.00 even though I just call the shared numbervar gltot in my formula field. Please help me how to proceed further. My sub report is in the group footer section of the main report.
I have a main report and a sub report. I am doing all the calculations in the sub report to get my gltot. The formula goes like this:
shared numbervar gltot;
if {@CurrGl} = true then
gltot := {@GL Balance};
I need to use the gltot field to get my grand gl balance by adding the gltot + sum(debit)+sum(credit)on my main report. I am not able to get gltot value in my main report, it returns 0.00 even though I just call the shared numbervar gltot in my formula field. Please help me how to proceed further. My sub report is in the group footer section of the main report.