This is my code:
On this page, I have six drop downs and I don't want to copy and paste the javascript six times to handle each field name. I know that there is some way to modify this script so that it works with and select field that calls it. I don't know if it's the getElementbyID or if the onChange="showimagenow()" should be something like onChange="showimagenow(image1)"
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" type='text/javascript'>
function showimagenow(){
// alert(document.addproduct.catimage.options[document.addproduct.catimage.selectedIndex].value)
// if (!document.images);
// return
document.images.img1.src="images/catbanners/" +
<select size='1' name='catimage' onChange="showimagenow()">
<option value='cat.jpg'>Cat</option>
<option value='dog.jpg'>Dog</option>
<option value='horse.jpg'>Horse</option>
<br /><br />
<img name='img1' src='startingimage.jpg'>
<br /><br />
Any help will be greatly appreciated.