I need some help in the following question. I am trying to read from a file to create users but am stuck in reading the value in double quotes. Following is the file named myfile.txt I am trying to read and looks like.The values are separated by a single space and the one in double-quotes is a single value as it also contains spaces. One line represents one users information.
alc0010 500 "Aaron Lee Conyers" /home/alc0010 /bin/bash
ama0 2 "Test Al-ome" /ama0028 /usr/bin/bash
The following is the code I am trying to use to read the values from the file line by line
cat myfile.txt |
while IFS=" " read value1 value2 value3 value4 value5
But the value3 is the whole value in double quotes, but the space between just take the first word as the value3 instead of the whole in double quotes. Can any one help me out in how to solve this problem and what if there is more than one space between the values. I'll really appreciate for the help.
I need some help in the following question. I am trying to read from a file to create users but am stuck in reading the value in double quotes. Following is the file named myfile.txt I am trying to read and looks like.The values are separated by a single space and the one in double-quotes is a single value as it also contains spaces. One line represents one users information.
alc0010 500 "Aaron Lee Conyers" /home/alc0010 /bin/bash
ama0 2 "Test Al-ome" /ama0028 /usr/bin/bash
The following is the code I am trying to use to read the values from the file line by line
cat myfile.txt |
while IFS=" " read value1 value2 value3 value4 value5
But the value3 is the whole value in double quotes, but the space between just take the first word as the value3 instead of the whole in double quotes. Can any one help me out in how to solve this problem and what if there is more than one space between the values. I'll really appreciate for the help.