I am having a problem getting correct data out of a database, I'd appreciate any help!
I am using Crystal Reports v10, Sql Server database.
My report in question is gathering IT asset information
(machine name, serial no, model, ip addr., primary contact, etc.). There is a field called "Secondary Contact" on the report that contains the name of a person to be contacted in case the primary person is unavailable.
Each person is associated with a particular asset (Unix server, etc.)
The problem is that there can be more than one person associated with one asset.I need to create a pick parameter to choose which secondary contact has what machines.
Ex: machine AB-11234 has 3 secondary contacts:
John Doe, Jane Doe, Bob Smith
Pick parameter chooses Jane Doe to see what machines she
is associated with.
Currently, there is a report that returns this info, but it is acting as a subreport within the main report.
Since I need the query info "up front", I am doing away with the subreport. I have tried to introduce the formulas, etc from the sub into the main, but there are so many additional tables from the sub that the linking is a nightmare and I can never get that to work.
My record selection criteria is:
if {?Secondary Contact} = "ALL" then True
else {@Contact Last Name} = {?Secondary Contact}
I have changed the linking scenario numerous times, I either get every record in the table or I get the pick parameter name for every record.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
I am having a problem getting correct data out of a database, I'd appreciate any help!
I am using Crystal Reports v10, Sql Server database.
My report in question is gathering IT asset information
(machine name, serial no, model, ip addr., primary contact, etc.). There is a field called "Secondary Contact" on the report that contains the name of a person to be contacted in case the primary person is unavailable.
Each person is associated with a particular asset (Unix server, etc.)
The problem is that there can be more than one person associated with one asset.I need to create a pick parameter to choose which secondary contact has what machines.
Ex: machine AB-11234 has 3 secondary contacts:
John Doe, Jane Doe, Bob Smith
Pick parameter chooses Jane Doe to see what machines she
is associated with.
Currently, there is a report that returns this info, but it is acting as a subreport within the main report.
Since I need the query info "up front", I am doing away with the subreport. I have tried to introduce the formulas, etc from the sub into the main, but there are so many additional tables from the sub that the linking is a nightmare and I can never get that to work.
My record selection criteria is:
if {?Secondary Contact} = "ALL" then True
else {@Contact Last Name} = {?Secondary Contact}
I have changed the linking scenario numerous times, I either get every record in the table or I get the pick parameter name for every record.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!