Here's the problem. I have a web page in .asp that has to run a stored proc on the server which kicks off a dts package. The .asp page runs the query with a parameter. When it runs from the web page the query works but when it runs the dts package the package fails. If I run the stored proc from Query analyzer the stored proc works and the dts package works. The statement in the dts package that fails when the web runs the proc that runs the dts package and when the quary analyzer does the same thing is - rst.Open rcmd, , 3
If Protyp = 1 Then
SQLSTMT = "SELECT RequestID, ReportID,ExportFormat, ExportDestination, ExportFileName,RDate,RTime,RunHowOften, UserRequesting,RptDateTimeStamp,LastRun,SpecialHold From tblRequest where RequestID = " & ReqID & ""
Set rcmd = createobject("ADODB.Command"
rcmd.ActiveConnection = ConnStr
rcmd.CommandType = 1 'adCmdText
Set rst = createobject("ADODB.Recordset"
rcmd.CommandText = SQLSTMT
rcmd.CommandType =1
rst.CursorLocation = 3
rst.CursorType = 3
rst.Open rcmd, , 3
If Not rst.EOF Then
...... etc.
Why would the code work through Query Analyzer but not through the web.
Does any body out there know of some change to code in a dts package that has to be different for a web running it than for Query Analyzer running it.
RequestID is an integer.
any sugestions would be welcome. It is one piece a way from running this process.
Thanks a head of time
If Protyp = 1 Then
SQLSTMT = "SELECT RequestID, ReportID,ExportFormat, ExportDestination, ExportFileName,RDate,RTime,RunHowOften, UserRequesting,RptDateTimeStamp,LastRun,SpecialHold From tblRequest where RequestID = " & ReqID & ""
Set rcmd = createobject("ADODB.Command"
rcmd.ActiveConnection = ConnStr
rcmd.CommandType = 1 'adCmdText
Set rst = createobject("ADODB.Recordset"
rcmd.CommandText = SQLSTMT
rcmd.CommandType =1
rst.CursorLocation = 3
rst.CursorType = 3
rst.Open rcmd, , 3
If Not rst.EOF Then
...... etc.
Why would the code work through Query Analyzer but not through the web.
Does any body out there know of some change to code in a dts package that has to be different for a web running it than for Query Analyzer running it.
RequestID is an integer.
any sugestions would be welcome. It is one piece a way from running this process.
Thanks a head of time