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Need help for BMS - Web interfacing...

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Sep 19, 2002

I'm an italian mainframe programmer who's trying to integrate an already existing CICS procedure with the web intranet of the company I'm working in.

Other people developed this procedure, and I'm not allowed to modify the COBOL CICS DB2 programs, I can just modify the BMS maps to add something to the DFHMDX or add some DFHWBOUT to modify the graphic appearance of the HTML pages.

We're now using the 2.2.0 version of the CICS, and we've been stuck by a problem.

One of the maps has a group of rows listed and the operator can choose which one modify putting a 'M' in the only field of the row who is rewritable. There are 12 rows in a page, and if there are less then 12 records to modify the last ones are left blank.

In the BMS definition the selection field and the description field of each row are set with an initial of all '_', and when the COBOL program have to send for the first time the map it reads the records from the DB2, fills the rows with what it has read, and moves spaces to all the empty rows. But if I select a row and press the enter button, in the selection fields of the empty rows the returning map contains LOW-VALUE instead of spaces like it was in the sending. I've given a look to the HTML of the page, and I've found that the selection field is valorized as "" instead of " " like I expected, having moved SPACES to that field in the program.

the row present itself as shown:
<td colspan=1 >
<td colspan=1 nowrap>
<input type=&quot;hidden&quot; name=&quot;F140020001_DA3FU05&quot; value=&quot;&quot;>
<td colspan=9 nowrap>
<input type=&quot;hidden&quot; name=&quot;F140040030_DA3CG05&quot; value=&quot; &quot;>
<td colspan=5 nowrap>
<input type=&quot;hidden&quot; name=&quot;F140360030_DA3NM05&quot; value=&quot; &quot;>
<td colspan=2 nowrap>
<input type=&quot;hidden&quot; name=&quot;F140680010_DA3DT05&quot; value=&quot; &quot;>

As you can see, the other fields of the row, DA3CG05, DA3NM05 and DA3DT05 (surname, name and birthdate) are filled with spaces, just as it should be.
Instead, the selection field DA3FU05 is empty.

Is there a way I can obtain the same result even on the selection field without, like I fear, modify the program? I’ve made a test creating a personal copy of the program and adding in the input verification section even the test for LOW-VALUE along to the test for SPACES, and in this way it works, but it’s nothing I can do in the original version of the program.
I was looking for some modification of the BMS or, at the very least, of the HTML template generated compiling the map.

By the way, is there some redbook in which I can find this kind of argument? I have some, “dfhtl00CICSInternetGuide” and “sg245466ArchitectingWebAccessOnCICS” mainly, but I haven’t found something about this.

Thank you in advance.

Pagliani Simone

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