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Need help finding the problem with this

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Feb 3, 2003
I've included, I think, everything you guys will need to help with this one.

This updates a user database (MS Access) with the data passed from another page. I've used this exact code (except for the SQL statement) on other pages and I haven't any problems until this page.
I get the following error:

Microsoft JET Database Engine error '80040e14'

Syntax error in UPDATE statement.

/html/edituser-process-page.asp, line 45

Line 45 is:
rsD.Open strSQL, "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & Server.MapPath("../database/users.mdb") & ";", adOpenKeyset, adLockPessimistic, adCmdText

The strSQL statement for line 45 is:
strSQL = "UPDATE tblUsers SET PW='" & password & "', Level='" & level & "', first_name='" & firstname & "', last_name='" & lastname & "', address_1='" & address1 & "', address_2='" & address2 & "', city='" & city & "', state='" & state & "', zip='" & zipcode & "', home_phone='" & homephone & "', work_phone='" & workphone & "', email_address='" & email & "' WHERE UserID='" & strUserID & "'"

The strSQL value is this when the error happens:
UPDATE tblUsers SET PW='123', Level='user', first_name='Johns', last_name='testuser02', address_1='123 bird lane', address_2='Null', city='anywhere', state='USA', zip='55555', home_phone='111-111-1111', work_phone='Null', email_address='johnstestuser02@anywhere.com' WHERE UserID='testuser02'

Again I've used this on other pages without issue. I can't seem to find the syntax error in the statement
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