Hi, Regarding previous thread 1623741. The resolution works very well but we have recently noticed a problem when there are duplicate RX#s.
For example:
RX# Drug Dose Comment
123 Amoxicillin 250 Take with food
1234 Diprovan 250 x2 doses
at bedtime
take with food
1234 Diprovan 50 x2 doses
at bedtime
take with food
Currently the Diprovan is displaying like this:
Diprovan 250 mg
Diprovan 50 mg
x2doses x2doses at bedtime take with food at bedtime
I need it to display like this:
Diprovan 250mg
Diprovan 50 mg
x2doses at bedtime take with food
I am grouping on RX# and these are the formulas I am using:
//{@reset} to be placed in the group header:
stringvar x;
if not inrepeatedgroupheader then
x := "";
//{@accum} to be placed in the detail section and suppressed:
stringvar x := x + {table.textline}+ " ";
stringvar x;
For example:
RX# Drug Dose Comment
123 Amoxicillin 250 Take with food
1234 Diprovan 250 x2 doses
at bedtime
take with food
1234 Diprovan 50 x2 doses
at bedtime
take with food
Currently the Diprovan is displaying like this:
Diprovan 250 mg
Diprovan 50 mg
x2doses x2doses at bedtime take with food at bedtime
I need it to display like this:
Diprovan 250mg
Diprovan 50 mg
x2doses at bedtime take with food
I am grouping on RX# and these are the formulas I am using:
//{@reset} to be placed in the group header:
stringvar x;
if not inrepeatedgroupheader then
x := "";
//{@accum} to be placed in the detail section and suppressed:
stringvar x := x + {table.textline}+ " ";
stringvar x;