MS Access 2000: I have read the docmd.transfertext help file and it indicates:
Ok, what is the text import / export wizard? I have created a spec in the tables view and doing a file/get external data/Import/Advanced button... but how do I get that to a schema.ini? or do I need to start somewhere else? I want to import a fixed width text file...
A string expression that's the name of an import or export specification you've created and saved in the current database.
For a fixed-width text file, you must either specify an argument or use a schema.ini file, which must be stored in the same folder as the imported, linked, or exported text file. To create a schema file, you can use the text import/export wizard to create the file. For delimited text files and Microsoft Word mail merge data files, you can leave this argument blank to select the default import/export specifications.
Ok, what is the text import / export wizard? I have created a spec in the tables view and doing a file/get external data/Import/Advanced button... but how do I get that to a schema.ini? or do I need to start somewhere else? I want to import a fixed width text file...