I am trying to count how many times sponge count occurs when
the Dept = OR my trouble is there are other items in the sponge count colum I tried =sumproduct((d2:d1000="or")*(e2:e1000="*sponge count*")) but it won't pull it out
see below
(D) (E)
Dept Surgery Related
OR Sponge count/needlecount/abrasion
OR Sponge count/abrasion
OR Positioning/or count
PACU Other/spoonge count
LITHO Equipment
the Dept = OR my trouble is there are other items in the sponge count colum I tried =sumproduct((d2:d1000="or")*(e2:e1000="*sponge count*")) but it won't pull it out
see below
(D) (E)
Dept Surgery Related
OR Sponge count/needlecount/abrasion
OR Sponge count/abrasion
OR Positioning/or count
PACU Other/spoonge count
LITHO Equipment