I am trying to count how many times sponge count occurs when
the Dept = OR
I tried =SUM(IF(JAN!D
="or",IF(JAN!E:E="sponge count",1,0)), but only returns a 1 HELP PLEASE see table below
(D) (E)
Dept Surgery Related
OR Sponge count
OR Sponge count
OR Positioning
OR Sponge count
OR Equipment
OR Sponge count
OR Equipment
OR Sponge count
OR Sponge count
PACU Other
OR Equipment
the Dept = OR
I tried =SUM(IF(JAN!D
(D) (E)
Dept Surgery Related
OR Sponge count
OR Sponge count
OR Positioning
OR Sponge count
OR Equipment
OR Sponge count
OR Equipment
OR Sponge count
OR Sponge count
PACU Other
OR Equipment