I have some experience in PERL, but am completely new to ASP/VBscript. I have been picking up the basics over the past day or two, but need a little help with the code below. Essentially, the piece of code below accesses a html file using a GET method to pass along a user id. The page returned is an html page with a users information, which is then parsed through and each field is stored in seperate variables...
Any help in converting this over to VBScript would be greatly appreciated!
I have some experience in PERL, but am completely new to ASP/VBscript. I have been picking up the basics over the past day or two, but need a little help with the code below. Essentially, the piece of code below accesses a html file using a GET method to pass along a user id. The page returned is an html page with a users information, which is then parsed through and each field is stored in seperate variables...
use LWP::UserAgent;
use HTTP::Request;
$userid = "abc";
$agent = new LWP::UserAgent;
$request = new HTTP::Request 'GET', "[URL unfurl="true"]http://www.someaddress.com/qdir?userid=$userid");[/URL]
$response = $agent->request($request);
$html = $response->content();
for (split '\n', $html)
$uid = $1 if /UID\.+\s*(.+)/;
$fullname = $1 if /Full Name\.+\s*(.+)/;
Any help in converting this over to VBScript would be greatly appreciated!