this is a whos online script from authentix that i am using for the whos online page of my profiles site.
This script pulls the usernames from an authentix cache session or something close to that and then just shows
them all on one page.. i would like to find out how to
break it up into 20 per page and have it make the other pages as well.
anyone know how?
<!--#INCLUDE FILE = "refresh.htm"-->
<!--#INCLUDE FILE = "incl.asp"-->
Set accessname = Request.Form("accessname")
if ("" = accessname) Then
accessname = Request.QueryString("accessname")
End if
nameList = ""
llList = ""
res1 = ""
res2 = ""
res3 = ""
res4 = ""
res5 = ""
res6 = ""
res7 = ""
res8 = ""
userCount = auth.CurrentUsers(accessName, nameList, llList, res1, res2, res3, res4, res5, res6, res7, res8)
if (0 <= userCount) Then
' good
response.Write("<H2>CurrentUsers Failed with error code: ")
'response.Write(", meaning: ")
End If
nameArray = Split(nameList, chr(1))
llArray = Split(llList, chr(1))
*****some html then***
for cNumber = 0 To UBound(nameArray)
username = nameArray(cNumber)
<%while not RS.eof%>
remainder = (cNumber + 1) mod 9
if (0 = remainder) Then
End if
'exit for
this is a whos online script from authentix that i am using for the whos online page of my profiles site.
This script pulls the usernames from an authentix cache session or something close to that and then just shows
them all on one page.. i would like to find out how to
break it up into 20 per page and have it make the other pages as well.
anyone know how?
<!--#INCLUDE FILE = "refresh.htm"-->
<!--#INCLUDE FILE = "incl.asp"-->
Set accessname = Request.Form("accessname")
if ("" = accessname) Then
accessname = Request.QueryString("accessname")
End if
nameList = ""
llList = ""
res1 = ""
res2 = ""
res3 = ""
res4 = ""
res5 = ""
res6 = ""
res7 = ""
res8 = ""
userCount = auth.CurrentUsers(accessName, nameList, llList, res1, res2, res3, res4, res5, res6, res7, res8)
if (0 <= userCount) Then
' good
response.Write("<H2>CurrentUsers Failed with error code: ")
'response.Write(", meaning: ")
End If
nameArray = Split(nameList, chr(1))
llArray = Split(llList, chr(1))
*****some html then***
for cNumber = 0 To UBound(nameArray)
username = nameArray(cNumber)
<%while not RS.eof%>
remainder = (cNumber + 1) mod 9
if (0 = remainder) Then
End if
'exit for