I am using Access 97 VBA and MSXML Parser 3. I can't figure out how to use the DOMDocument, LoadXML, etc. Unfortunately the help files in the SDK didn't register in my system, so I don't have the built-in help or pop-up parameter prompts. (Maybe reinstalling would help.)
Fiddling with lines like
Dim MyDOM As DOMDocument
Set MyDOM = DOMDocument
MyDOM.loadXML "C:\temp\ord_020909_133000.xml"
... just isn't getting me there.
Anybody know a web site where descriptions of the methods are posted? MSDN and a Copernic search haven't yielded anything.
Fiddling with lines like
Dim MyDOM As DOMDocument
Set MyDOM = DOMDocument
MyDOM.loadXML "C:\temp\ord_020909_133000.xml"
... just isn't getting me there.
Anybody know a web site where descriptions of the methods are posted? MSDN and a Copernic search haven't yielded anything.