I really need desperate help to do this. If somebody can help me I would really appreciate it.
This is the exact assignement:
Tournament Simulation:
This project simulates a tournament or sports league. Start with N players or teams. Each player is assigned a rating. The probability of player I beating player J depends on their ratings, e.g
p(I,J)=1/2 + 1/2(r(I)-r(J))/(r(I)+r(J))
In the simplest tournament, each player plays each other player M times. A random number generator is used to decide which player wins a game. CAlling the intrinsic subroutine
returns a number between 0 and 1 randomly (a different number each time). Note: you get the same sequence of random numbers each time you run the program. This is often useful, especially for checking error.
Obtain the final rankings of the players. Did the best player win?
Basic Program:
The players should be given names. On output, the ratings of each player should be printed, as well as the final rankings after one tournament.
1. Play many tournaments. How often does each player win or become champion.
2. Include possibility of draws.
3. Include playoffs, divisions, promotion relegation,etc.
4. Simulate an actual tournament or league
Here is the code that I have written so far:
Program Tournament
Implicit None
Integer, Parameter :: ntotal=5
Integer :: Ratings(ntotal), position, wins(ntotal)=0, details(ntotal, ntotal) = 0
Integer :: randomseed, losses=0, y=0, i
Character (len=10) :: Names(ntotal)
Real :: x
open(13, file="Rankings.txt"
Print*, "Enter number less than 1000"
Read*, randomseed
Do i = 1, randomseed
Call random_number(x)
End Do
Ratings = (/ 3, 7, 8, 2, 9 /)
write(13,*)'Player1 Player2'
Do i = 1, ntotal
write(*, *) array(i)
end do
Call RoundRobin()
write(13,*)'Name Rating Games won Games Lost Games Drawn'
Do position = 1, ntotal
losses = (ntotal-1) - wins(position)
write(13, '(a, 2i4, a,i4, a, i4, a)' ) names(position),ratings(position), wins(position) ,&
& " games", losses , " games",y, " games"
End Do
Function Tourn(I, J)
Integer, intent(in) :: I, J
Real :: Tourn
Tourn = 0.5 + 0.5*(ratings(I) - ratings(J))/(ratings(I) + ratings(J))
End Function Tourn
Subroutine Game(position1, position2)
Integer, intent(in) :: position1, position2
Real :: Prob
Call Random_Number(x)
Prob = Tourn(position1, position2)
If (x > prob) then !!person at position 2 beats person at position 1
wins(position2) = wins(position2) + 1
details(position2, position1) = details(position2, position1) + 1
Else If (x < prob)then !!person at position 1 won
wins(position1) = wins(position1) + 1
write(13,*)names(position1), "beat", names(position2)
y = y + 1
End If
End Subroutine Game
Subroutine RoundRobin()
Integer :: posn1, posn2
Do posn1 = 1,ntotal-1
Do posn2 = posn1+1,ntotal
Call Game(posn1, posn2)
End Do
End Do
End Subroutine RoundRobin
End Program Tournament
This is the exact assignement:
Tournament Simulation:
This project simulates a tournament or sports league. Start with N players or teams. Each player is assigned a rating. The probability of player I beating player J depends on their ratings, e.g
p(I,J)=1/2 + 1/2(r(I)-r(J))/(r(I)+r(J))
In the simplest tournament, each player plays each other player M times. A random number generator is used to decide which player wins a game. CAlling the intrinsic subroutine
returns a number between 0 and 1 randomly (a different number each time). Note: you get the same sequence of random numbers each time you run the program. This is often useful, especially for checking error.
Obtain the final rankings of the players. Did the best player win?
Basic Program:
The players should be given names. On output, the ratings of each player should be printed, as well as the final rankings after one tournament.
1. Play many tournaments. How often does each player win or become champion.
2. Include possibility of draws.
3. Include playoffs, divisions, promotion relegation,etc.
4. Simulate an actual tournament or league
Here is the code that I have written so far:
Program Tournament
Implicit None
Integer, Parameter :: ntotal=5
Integer :: Ratings(ntotal), position, wins(ntotal)=0, details(ntotal, ntotal) = 0
Integer :: randomseed, losses=0, y=0, i
Character (len=10) :: Names(ntotal)
Real :: x
open(13, file="Rankings.txt"
Print*, "Enter number less than 1000"
Read*, randomseed
Do i = 1, randomseed
Call random_number(x)
End Do
Ratings = (/ 3, 7, 8, 2, 9 /)
write(13,*)'Player1 Player2'
Do i = 1, ntotal
write(*, *) array(i)
end do
Call RoundRobin()
write(13,*)'Name Rating Games won Games Lost Games Drawn'
Do position = 1, ntotal
losses = (ntotal-1) - wins(position)
write(13, '(a, 2i4, a,i4, a, i4, a)' ) names(position),ratings(position), wins(position) ,&
& " games", losses , " games",y, " games"
End Do
Function Tourn(I, J)
Integer, intent(in) :: I, J
Real :: Tourn
Tourn = 0.5 + 0.5*(ratings(I) - ratings(J))/(ratings(I) + ratings(J))
End Function Tourn
Subroutine Game(position1, position2)
Integer, intent(in) :: position1, position2
Real :: Prob
Call Random_Number(x)
Prob = Tourn(position1, position2)
If (x > prob) then !!person at position 2 beats person at position 1
wins(position2) = wins(position2) + 1
details(position2, position1) = details(position2, position1) + 1
Else If (x < prob)then !!person at position 1 won
wins(position1) = wins(position1) + 1
write(13,*)names(position1), "beat", names(position2)
y = y + 1
End If
End Subroutine Game
Subroutine RoundRobin()
Integer :: posn1, posn2
Do posn1 = 1,ntotal-1
Do posn2 = posn1+1,ntotal
Call Game(posn1, posn2)
End Do
End Do
End Subroutine RoundRobin
End Program Tournament