I need to figure out a way to have crystal reports number each line in the detail row and show that number on the report. I'm sure this is probably a very easy procedure but I am Crystal Reports illiterate.
In the field explorer, go to "Special Field" to find "recordnumber" and add it directly to the report. This will give you a count of each detail within the report. It does not reset based on groups.
If you have groups, and want to count details within a group, use the running total expert, and choose a recurring field, count, evaluate for each record, reset on change of group.
You can create a Running Total to accomplish this for you.
Open the Field Explorer.
Highlight Running Totals, right click, and select new.
Give it a meaningful name for what you are doing.
Pick a field on the left that will always be on the report and click the top arrow to make it the field to summarize.
Type summary should be Count.
Leave Evaluate and Reset alone.
Click Ok.
Drag the New Running Total into your details section.
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