I just keep joining more and more threads, it's going to take me ages to check out the new posts.
CGI- I want to use a CGI script(Perl) as a mailform at the moment and when I know more, for a search engine. I am downloading activePerl as I type. I have a tripod account, but do not like advertising, so what I'm asking is...
Where can I get some space on a server, that will let me use CGI, WITHOUT pop-upads(or embedded!) or am I completely wrong.
I have a website based at, so if I post my form contents to a mailform script at Tripod, then does the return page make a pop-up appear? Or is this not possible, because of some genious programmer who wont let me do it?
If you can understand my newbie antics, AND reply, then praise goes out to you and you and you and you and you!!(sorry-radiation)
P.S I'm running win95, I take this shouldn't matter?
I just keep joining more and more threads, it's going to take me ages to check out the new posts.
CGI- I want to use a CGI script(Perl) as a mailform at the moment and when I know more, for a search engine. I am downloading activePerl as I type. I have a tripod account, but do not like advertising, so what I'm asking is...
Where can I get some space on a server, that will let me use CGI, WITHOUT pop-upads(or embedded!) or am I completely wrong.
I have a website based at, so if I post my form contents to a mailform script at Tripod, then does the return page make a pop-up appear? Or is this not possible, because of some genious programmer who wont let me do it?
If you can understand my newbie antics, AND reply, then praise goes out to you and you and you and you and you!!(sorry-radiation)
P.S I'm running win95, I take this shouldn't matter?