looking for the equivalent of the BCM information mailbox that can be either be listened to directly by a DDI/incomming call route or an option of the main AA tree. we are avaya IP office 7 with voicemail pro.
Basically it's an announcement that could change every hour so we want to be able to have the onsite users just pick up their phone, dial whatever is required(guessing a shortcode) to record the new announcement and have that live immediately without having to upload a wav file or anything requiring the voicemail pro client. callers will call the ddi number or hit the option off the main tree to listen to the announcement can not delete it but should have an option to replay the announcement.
I guess i need to setup a mailbox for this but it should not actually be associated with any extension.
Can anyone point me in the right direction to get this done.
Basically it's an announcement that could change every hour so we want to be able to have the onsite users just pick up their phone, dial whatever is required(guessing a shortcode) to record the new announcement and have that live immediately without having to upload a wav file or anything requiring the voicemail pro client. callers will call the ddi number or hit the option off the main tree to listen to the announcement can not delete it but should have an option to replay the announcement.
I guess i need to setup a mailbox for this but it should not actually be associated with any extension.
Can anyone point me in the right direction to get this done.