Let me set up the scenerio:<br>
I have two databases which are linked together. Database #1 contains tables and forms which are to be accessed by Administrative personnel. Database #2 contains linked tables from Database #1. What are my options for creating security on both databases without requiring users to become part of a workgroup file or setting a database password for each database. <br>
Currently, database #1 has a database password. However, when I try to access database #2, I get an error message that says it is looking for Database #1. In addition, my Supervisor, doesn't want to add users to workgroups. She suggest using VBA code to handle this security issue. What should I do?<br>
By the way, I am using Access 97.<br>
I have two databases which are linked together. Database #1 contains tables and forms which are to be accessed by Administrative personnel. Database #2 contains linked tables from Database #1. What are my options for creating security on both databases without requiring users to become part of a workgroup file or setting a database password for each database. <br>
Currently, database #1 has a database password. However, when I try to access database #2, I get an error message that says it is looking for Database #1. In addition, my Supervisor, doesn't want to add users to workgroups. She suggest using VBA code to handle this security issue. What should I do?<br>
By the way, I am using Access 97.<br>