I want to ask people who just passed the 640-607 CCNA exam, i heard that there no IPX questions and many many questions about WAN technologies and Routing protocoles.
Please can you help me? i want just to know:
an technologies is it about FrameRelay, ISDN, HDLC and PPP ? or there is other thinks ? like ADSL ?
About routing protocols, is it only RIP IGRP ? or i can be asqued in the CCNA exam about OSPF EIGRP ?
I want to pass the CCNa exam i want advises from any one.
Is all the CCNA topics included in the "Cisco CCNA Exam 640-607 Certification Guide by Wendell Odom" ?
Thanks for all.
Really need advises
Please can you help me? i want just to know:
an technologies is it about FrameRelay, ISDN, HDLC and PPP ? or there is other thinks ? like ADSL ?
About routing protocols, is it only RIP IGRP ? or i can be asqued in the CCNA exam about OSPF EIGRP ?
I want to pass the CCNa exam i want advises from any one.
Is all the CCNA topics included in the "Cisco CCNA Exam 640-607 Certification Guide by Wendell Odom" ?
Thanks for all.
Really need advises