I scanned in a brochure, converted to pdf, and added to website (for printed version). I also want a html version, (faster download), to view. I asked printers for original jpgs of photos to add to my text version I intend to create using FrontPage 2000. Printers just sent me a jpg of each complete page of the brochure, text & graphics! I converted the jpg to html (using Adobe ImageReady). Now I am not sure if I have just saved the jpg as a html doc, or actually converted it - when I use html view in FP2000 it just shows a link to the jpg (src= etc). It now looks like I just scanned it in. The text is not very sharp and I would like to rewrite it myself and maybe cut & past the graphics in - how can I proceed? I suppose then I just need to create a hyperlink button labelled PRINT, and linked to the pdf version. This is way past my basic knowledge, so apologies if I'm missing a simpler way.....
Thanks, any advice gratefully received.