What can you recommend for CCNA?
Why the second book is the most expensive, it has 1024 pages meanwhile
the book by Wendell Odom has 1320, and more than 30$ cheaper. Why?
Also you can recommend books not listed here.
Thank You in advance.
1.CCNA: Cisco Certified Network Associate Study Guide, Fifth Edition
(640-801) by Todd Lammle $32.99 720 pages
2.CCNA Self-Study : CCNA Preparation Library (640-801) (6th Edition)
(CCNA Self-Study)by Stephen McQuerry $76.02 1024 pages
3.CCNA Certification Library (CCNA Self-Study, exam #640-801), Sixth
Edition by Wendell Odom $41.71 1320 pages
Why the second book is the most expensive, it has 1024 pages meanwhile
the book by Wendell Odom has 1320, and more than 30$ cheaper. Why?
Also you can recommend books not listed here.
Thank You in advance.
1.CCNA: Cisco Certified Network Associate Study Guide, Fifth Edition
(640-801) by Todd Lammle $32.99 720 pages
2.CCNA Self-Study : CCNA Preparation Library (640-801) (6th Edition)
(CCNA Self-Study)by Stephen McQuerry $76.02 1024 pages
3.CCNA Certification Library (CCNA Self-Study, exam #640-801), Sixth
Edition by Wendell Odom $41.71 1320 pages