I have a form with ten boxes on it, they work in sets. The boxes are: WorkDay1 and WorkDay1Reason thru WorkDay5 and WorkDay5Reason. The WorkDay1-5 box are text boxeswtih a default value already entered in them, while the WorkDay1-5Reason boxes are combo boxes set to blank or Null. The WorkDay1-5 text boxes all have tabcontrol's on them and nothing else does, because we move from text box to text box with thetab key. I am assuming that the procedures would all be entered in the OnLostFocus, but it could be OnChange, event, but I am not sure. What I would like to have happen is to be able to tab fromWorkDay1 toWorkDay2, if no changes occur, and in WorkDay2, let's say he is one hour late, type in 7.00 and tab, but instead of go toWorkDay3, I would like to go to WorkDay2Reason, instead and in the combo box have the defult like this, If WorkDay2>0 then 6 else 0. Those would be selection in the combo box, then I would like to be able to tab to WeekDay3 and resum the normal tab order. Thank you very much to anyone lending a help hand in my confussion.