I am just learning VB (actually programming period), using books and help from a DOS programmer. I am currently converting an old DOS payroll program to windows using VB 6.0. Up until now I have been using text boxes to gather input such as deduction titles, totals etc. I have been<br>using the KeyPress event on the textboxes, to set the input into the files, then set focus to the next text box after the user hits enter (I am trying to make the program, as much as possible, work like the old DOS version). This is how I've been doing it. This example happens to be where I am setting the edit masks, I will be using to hide various<br>textboxes (problem below). <br><br>Private Sub txtDbl_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) <br>KeyAscii = Asc(UCase(Chr(KeyAscii))) <br>ZOUT$ = Chr(KeyAscii) <br><br>If KeyAscii = 13 Then <br>KeyAscii = 0 <br>ZOUT$ = Mid(OP.VOID2EDIT, 8, 1) <br>txtDbl.Text = ZOUT$ <br>End If <br><br>If ZOUT$ = "+" Or ZOUT$ = "-" Or ZOUT$ = " " Then <br>KeyAscii = 0 <br>Mid(OP.VOID2EDIT, 8, 1) = ZOUT$ <br>txtDbl.Text = ZOUT$ <br>Else <br>Invalid 'Invalid entry routine <br>txtDbl.Text = "" <br>txtDbl.SetFocus <br>Exit Sub <br>End If <br><br>cmdFinishVoid.SetFocus <br>End Sub <br><br>I have now come to a part that I'm not sure how to go about. I have a form with several textboxes used for entering cash pay totals. These boxes are not visible if an edit mask is set. What I need to do is check to see if the edit mask is set ("-" in a file (OP.VoidEdit, etc) if it<br>is, I want to skip that text box and leave it hidden. Then check the next one, once one is found that needs to be displayed, I want to display it, take the input, then continue on with the mask check until I find the next needed textbox. I'm not sure how to go about coding this.<br>Just a start would be very helpful. It can be done either with the non-edited boxes showing right from the beginning, and as the user hits enter, the focus goes to the next visible box, or the non-edited boxes appear one by one as the users enters the data (this is how the original<br>DOS program works). I hope this makes since. The only way I can think of doing it would take tons of coding, and maybe that is what I will have to do, but hopefully you will have an idea to help. <br><br>Thanks in advance <br><br>Catrina