I've been pouring over technical doumentation for the past three days and I've managed to learn a great deal about my newly set up wireless network, but I have a few simple questions that I can't seem to find answers to.
First off, I'm running a NetGear MR314 to a couple computers one floor above me (one ip). The signal pick up is decent, but it could be better, so I have been looking into ways of extending the range. Now here's where I have been getting lost.
I understand the idea of using Bridges to connect two wireless networks, and that's what I would like to do. My first question is, does a Wireless Access point have to be connected to the MR314 via a Cat5 cable, or can it connect wirelessly to the wireless router which seems to make logical sense(?). If it is possible to connect the AP to the MR314 wirelessly, will the AP extend the signal. Meaning, if I put the AP at the outer edge of the MR314's range, will the AP add on another area of coverage? Will multiple computers be able to connect through the AP?
Now, if all of this is possible, which somehow I doubt, how is this different than using a Wireless Repeater?
Also, can all AP's act as bridges?
I hope this all made at least partial sense. Any information that can be provided would be greatly appreciated.