I have an NEC 2000 and had reports of a fax machine not working. I went onsite to investigate and found out that there is dialtone on the fax, but it doesn't answer when you call it. If I hook up a butt set to it I can hear clicking/stutter type noise when it's supposed to be ringing but it doesn't actually ring. As it turns out, all analog extensions on that system exibit the same symptom. I've switched out one of the PN-8LCAA cards with a known good one and the problem still persists with LENS on the new card. This leads me to believe that there's a problem with the backplane of the chassis or one of the other cards. I don't know where else to look though. Dterm phones on the system are working fine and I've noticed no other issues. I'm attaching a picture of the visible damage to one of the cables and the chassis.