I wrote an application to receive a data using serial port on the PC, it has been working fine with various PBX system and hyperterminal.
However my application doesn't receive the SMDR from NEC 2000 IPS even though when i am using NEC 2000 IPS with hyperterminal it works fine.
I am not quite sure what is the different between hyperterminal and my application. At the moment my guess is there must be some sort of handshake between hyperterminal and NEC 2000 IPS.
Any information regarding this would be much appreciated.
I wrote an application to receive a data using serial port on the PC, it has been working fine with various PBX system and hyperterminal.
However my application doesn't receive the SMDR from NEC 2000 IPS even though when i am using NEC 2000 IPS with hyperterminal it works fine.
I am not quite sure what is the different between hyperterminal and my application. At the moment my guess is there must be some sort of handshake between hyperterminal and NEC 2000 IPS.
Any information regarding this would be much appreciated.