Hi people,
I am parsing a log file, removing blank lines and certain lines which have useless information. I can do all these things separately, but not when I put them together in one script! Please can someone suggest the correct syntax so the whole log file is pared correctly. Prog below:-
When the script runs, it reads the log file, the while loop works fine and deletes backspace chars, but blank lines and lines with text in field $2 are not deleted for some reason.
I have also tried to remove non-alpha chars from field $4 at the end of the script, this does not work correctly in the script, but the command works fine separately.
Example log file:-
111.222.333.444 555.666.777.888 21/tcp <unknown>
"starting up"
111.222.333.444 555.666.777.888 21/tcp "guest"
Output file:-
111.222.333.444 555.666.777.888 21/tcp unknown
111.222.333.444 555.666.777.888 21/tcp guest
#! /bin/nawk -f
printf "\n%15s\t%15s\t%10s\t%10s\n\n", "DESTINATION", "SOURCE", "PORT", "USERNAME"
if ( $0 ~ /^$/ ) {} # Do not print blank lines
elseif ( $2 !~ /[A-Za-z]/) # Ignore any lines with text in field 2
while ( $4 ~ /\^H/ || $4 ~ /\?/ )
gsub ( /\"/,"" )
if ( $4 ~ /^\^H/ )
sub ( /\^H/, "" )
sub ( /.\^H/, "" )
sub ( /\^\?/, "" )
$4 = "\""$4"\""
printf "%15s\t%15s\t%10s\t%10s\n", $2, $5, $3
gsub( /[^A-Za-z0-9<> \t]/, "" ); # Remove all non-alpha chars from username field $4
printf "%10s\n", $4
print NR, "sessions read."
print num, "Modifications made."
Thanks in advance,
I am parsing a log file, removing blank lines and certain lines which have useless information. I can do all these things separately, but not when I put them together in one script! Please can someone suggest the correct syntax so the whole log file is pared correctly. Prog below:-
When the script runs, it reads the log file, the while loop works fine and deletes backspace chars, but blank lines and lines with text in field $2 are not deleted for some reason.
I have also tried to remove non-alpha chars from field $4 at the end of the script, this does not work correctly in the script, but the command works fine separately.
Example log file:-
111.222.333.444 555.666.777.888 21/tcp <unknown>
"starting up"
111.222.333.444 555.666.777.888 21/tcp "guest"
Output file:-
111.222.333.444 555.666.777.888 21/tcp unknown
111.222.333.444 555.666.777.888 21/tcp guest
#! /bin/nawk -f
printf "\n%15s\t%15s\t%10s\t%10s\n\n", "DESTINATION", "SOURCE", "PORT", "USERNAME"
if ( $0 ~ /^$/ ) {} # Do not print blank lines
elseif ( $2 !~ /[A-Za-z]/) # Ignore any lines with text in field 2
while ( $4 ~ /\^H/ || $4 ~ /\?/ )
gsub ( /\"/,"" )
if ( $4 ~ /^\^H/ )
sub ( /\^H/, "" )
sub ( /.\^H/, "" )
sub ( /\^\?/, "" )
$4 = "\""$4"\""
printf "%15s\t%15s\t%10s\t%10s\n", $2, $5, $3
gsub( /[^A-Za-z0-9<> \t]/, "" ); # Remove all non-alpha chars from username field $4
printf "%10s\n", $4
print NR, "sessions read."
print num, "Modifications made."
Thanks in advance,