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Navigate thru Large Text Files

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Feb 22, 2002
I have a need to show the contents of (what could be) large text (audit) files in my asp pages (intranet).

I have tested most of the following code with regard to the usage of the filesystemobject - but am having issues trying to limit the display to say 100 - 500 lines per page then allowing some sort of user navigation.

I am pretty inexperienced with both asp and the filesystemobject, so if someone could find the 'problems' in my code and add the navigation to it - that would be great!

I need to be careful not to:
1. 'lock' the file as another system may be writing to it
2. 'lock' the user's pc [wink]
3. leave any files open
4. etc...

With regard to navigation thru the file - I am open to your suggestions, be it...
1. Pages ie: [1][2][3][end]
2. Prev / Next buttons
3. Treeview
4. anything - help!

Thank you ahead-of-time for all your help (as usual)
Of course, I forgot to include my existing code - sorry. Here it is:

<% @ Language=VBScript %>
<% Option Explicit 
'Set how many records per page we want
Const NumPerPage = 100

'Retrieve what page we're currently on
Dim CurPage
If Request.QueryString(&quot;CurPage&quot;) = &quot;&quot; then
	CurPage = 1 'We're on the first page
	CurPage = Request.QueryString(&quot;CurPage&quot;)
End If

<SCRIPT language=VBScript>
Dim oFS
Dim oTS
Dim oCS
Dim strFileName
Dim iResponse
Dim cCurPage

cCurPage = <%=CurPage%>

strFileName = &quot;C:\Temp\Dispatch.log&quot;

Set oFS = CreateObject(&quot;Scripting.FileSystemObject&quot;) 
If cCurPage = 1 then
	Set oCS = oFS.GetFile (&quot;C:\Temp\Dispatch.log&quot;)
	if oCS.size > 200000 then
		iResponse = msgbox(&quot;Size of file is &quot; & oCS.size & &quot; bytes. &quot; & (Chr(13) & Chr(10)) & _
						&quot;It is not Recommended to Load Files of this size.&quot; & (Chr(13) & Chr(10)) & _
						&quot;Press OK to Continue, Cancel to Abort File Load.&quot;,65,&quot;Alert&quot;)
		if iResponse = 1 then
			ProcessFile oFS,oTS, cCurPage
			document.write &quot;Process Cancelled by User.&quot;
		end if
	end if
	ProcessFile oFS,oTS
end if

Sub ProcessFile (oFS, oTS, cCurPage)
	Dim Count
	Set oTS = oFS.OpenTextFile(&quot;C:\Temp\Dispatch.log&quot;,ForReading)

	'Set wfile = fs.OpenTextFile(&quot;\\Devserver\CDrive\Aurora\Audit\20020830\001333.rf&quot;)
	'Set wfile = fs.OpenTextFile(&quot;\\RFBanDC1\Data\Bannockburn\Audit\20021122\Dispatch.log&quot;)
	'filecontent = wfile.ReadAll 

	Count = 0
	Do While oTS.AtEndOfStream <> True and Count <= <%=NumPerPage%>
		'for lStartLn to lEndLn
			filecontent = oTS.ReadLine                
			'document.writeln(&quot;<TD noWrap>&quot; & Mid(Str1,10,5) & Mid(Str1,18,3) & &quot;  </TD>&quot;)
			document.writeln(&quot;<TD>&quot; & filecontent & &quot;</TD>&quot;)
		'end for
	  Count = Count + 1
	document.write &quot;Page &quot; & cCurPage
	'Display Next / Prev buttons
	if cCurPage > 1 then
		'We are not at the beginning, show the prev button
		document.Write(&quot;<INPUT TYPE=BUTTON VALUE=PREV ONCLICK=&quot;&quot;document.location.href='textfile.asp?curpage=&quot; & curpage - 1 & &quot;';&quot;&quot;>&quot;)
	End If

	if not oTs.AtEndOfStream then
		'We are not at the end, show a next button
		Document.Write(&quot;<INPUT TYPE=BUTTON VALUE=NEXT ONCLICK=&quot;&quot;document.location.href='textfile.asp?curpage=&quot; & curpage + 1 & &quot;';&quot;&quot;>&quot;)
	End If

	Set oTS=nothing 
	Set oFS=nothing 
end sub

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Part and Inventory Search

