Nokia IP 330 and checkpoint 4.1
I have a wierd issue. I have a nat rule that says when External ip's come into a partucular address, nat it to the internal address.
Now my internal clients when they dial in get an IP address and they ping the internal address and it resolves to the ext address??
The firewall is definitley doing this. But I have a rule before the nat rule that say all int net dest for int nets keep everything originals and that rule fires but the FW still translates the retrun Wins response to an ext address??
Cant figure this one out.... Thanks.
I have a wierd issue. I have a nat rule that says when External ip's come into a partucular address, nat it to the internal address.
Now my internal clients when they dial in get an IP address and they ping the internal address and it resolves to the ext address??
The firewall is definitley doing this. But I have a rule before the nat rule that say all int net dest for int nets keep everything originals and that rule fires but the FW still translates the retrun Wins response to an ext address??
Cant figure this one out.... Thanks.