I have two Excel spreadsheets I've used for years. A worksheet in one has three named ranges that represent the ITEM you wish to reference, the FIELDS, and the TABLE the information is in. In another spreadsheet I have formulas that use these names to return information ---
I've added another worksheet to the spreadsheet with the named ranges. I've added three new named ranges and have put a simular formula in the other spreadsheet. These named ranges are not recognized in this spreadsheet or any other one I put them in, but the before referenced formula still works and the only link to the spreadsheet and the test spreadsheets I've tried are to this book ???? I've also changed the new named ranges a dozen times and still nothing. I've tested new spreadsheets using a simular setup - one with named ranges and one with a formula - they work - it's just referencing these new named ranges that will not work.
I've added another worksheet to the spreadsheet with the named ranges. I've added three new named ranges and have put a simular formula in the other spreadsheet. These named ranges are not recognized in this spreadsheet or any other one I put them in, but the before referenced formula still works and the only link to the spreadsheet and the test spreadsheets I've tried are to this book ???? I've also changed the new named ranges a dozen times and still nothing. I've tested new spreadsheets using a simular setup - one with named ranges and one with a formula - they work - it's just referencing these new named ranges that will not work.